The Importance Of Tree Care and Tree Services

Dry, Hot Summer? Install An Automatic Spray Sprinkler System With A Timer

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If you have had a dry and hot summer this year, your lawn and your trees are likely not looking good. Your lawn may have fading or dead areas, and your trees may be losing a lot of leaves. Fortunately, you can install an automatic spray sprinkler system to get your lawn and trees healthy.  Below is some information about this type of sprinkler system so you can decide if you would like to purchase this for your home. Read More»

No Rooster Tails! Keep Your Palms Healthy With Proper Pruning

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    Anyone who lives in or has visited an area with an abundance of palms has seen palms with what is called a “rooster tail,” or only a few fronds on top that stick straight up after pruning. While it is a common practice with many tree trimming companies, it is actually detrimental to the palms. What Should and Shouldn’t Be Trimmed From  a Palm? Properly pruned palms will have only bloom stalks and dead or dying fronds removed. Read More»

3 Signs Your Crepe Myrtle Is In Distress

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Green grass, a few shrubs, and some colorful flowers will add enormous appeal to your yard. However, the addition of a few trees can increase your home’s curb appeal and overall value tremendously. While surprising to learn, mature trees can increase your property value by 20 percent. Of course, proper care will be necessary to ensure your trees and surrounding landscape are both attractive and healthy for many years to come. Read More»

Why Tall Trees In Confined Places Should Only Be Removed By Professionals

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Removing a short tree in your backyard may not be an issue if you know how to operate a chainsaw or an axe. Removing a tall tree, especially if it’s growing in a confined space, is a different issue altogether. Here are three reasons such trees are better removed by professionals: The Risk of Falling Where It Isn’t Wanted The taller a tree is, the higher the risk that it can fall on other nearby properties and infrastructure. Read More»

3 Important Reasons To Remove Trees From Your Yard ASAP

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Have you recently purchased a home with one or more trees in the yard? Do you know whether or not these trees are actually safe to continue to keep? While trees may look harmless, this isn’t something that is true of all trees. Many trees that are aesthetically pleasing to look at are actually trees that you might not want to keep around for very long. One beautiful tree that you might not want to keep is the Callery or Bradford pear - a tree that can smell like a wet dog or worse. Read More»