The Importance Of Tree Care and Tree Services

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3 Reasons You Should Hire Professional Tree Trimming Services

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The strength, shape, and durability of your trees highly depend on the level of care you offer them. If you take tree maintenance needs seriously, they will grow healthy and improve your property’s overall curb appeal. You will also get a better shade whenever the sun gets too hot. Keep in mind that working with a tree trimming service is the best way to maintain and care for your trees. Doing so comes with many benefits, as mentioned below. Read More»

Check The Age Of Your Trees Before Scheduling For Removal

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Before you schedule for some of your trees to be removed from your property, it’s a good idea to look for what can play a part in whether you should keep the trees on your property or not. Before making such a big decision of having trees removed on your property, consider the following tips so that you can feel good about having trees removed without running into regrets over the decision later. Read More»

The Ultimate Guide To Proper Tree Trimming For Gardeners

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Tree trimming, like any other art, needs a knowledge of what you’re doing to be effective. Good pruning can be one of the most rewarding garden activities because the results can be stunning. Here are a few crucial pointers for gardeners who want to know more about tree trimming and pruning. Consider Safety Measure First Before embarking on your tree trimming project, assess the situation to determine whether you’ll need the services of a professional arborist. Read More»

Wrapping and Securing Trees For Winter

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Winter can be a tough time for landscape trees. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your trees healthy. Trunk Guards The trunk of a tree can be at risk in winter. Young trees and those with thin bark are the most at risk. Sunscald is one problem, which occurs on sunny, below freezing days. The sap warms up in the sun, but then it quickly refreezes and expands. Read More»

4 Tips For Pruning Your Trees

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Taking proper care of your yard will allow your home to look its best. You’ll want to ensure the outside of your property looks like its well taken care of always. It’s ideal to ensure the trees in your yard remains healthy. The perfect way to achieve this goal is by pruning your trees. Here are some tips to help you if you choose to prune the trees yourself. 1. Create a plan Read More»

3 Major Reasons Not To DIY Pruning Your Tree

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Do you have a tree that has started to become a hazard? Are you getting ready to head out and start lopping off branches, or are you even considering cutting it down completely? Trees can be beautiful, but they can also start to get in the way once they reach a certain size. They can cause damage to homes and to vehicles, and they may even drop branches on unsuspecting people. Read More»

3 Reasons Not To Keep A Stump In Your Yard For Decorative Purposes

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When the tree falls or is cut down, that lowest part of it is usually still rooted in the ground firmly. If you’re like a lot of homeowners, you do what you can to make the best of having a stump in your yard. You use the thing to set your flower pots upon, you hollow out the center and make the thing a planter, or you do something else decorative to make the stump look a little less like a stump and more like a decorative part of your landscape. Read More»

2 Common Tree Pests

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If you notice that your trees are starting to look kind of ratty and moth-eaten, they may actually be moth-eaten. There are all kinds of bugs out there that are going to look at your trees as a huge all-you-can-eat buffet, and they are hungry. You can work to get rid of the bugs and help restore your tree to its former splendiferousness. The first thing you have to do in order to make that happen is to figure out what kind of insect is munching on your tree. Read More»

2 Signs Your Tree Needs To Be Removed

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Trees add a lot to your home and its curb appeal. In addition, they can increase your home’s value. It may be shocking for many to learn, but mature trees can increase a home’s value by 3 to 15 percent. Because of their benefits, you should want to keep your trees healthy and appealing for many years to come. Unfortunately, there are instances where trees experience distress, and this distress may require the actual removal of a tree, which can be devastating, but important. Read More»

Common Tree Maintenance Mistakes Homeowners Need To Avoid

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From shrubs and flowers to hardscapes and grass, landscaping can be overwhelming. However, with proper care, landscape design can add a great deal of appeal and value to your home. Trees are another important part of your home’s landscaping, but you may not know how much care your trees need. With this guide, you will learn a few common tree maintenance mistakes to avoid to ensure your landscape is healthy and appealing. Read More»